The default number of simultaneous downloads is only 2. By tweaking the registry you can increase the number to 10. Check Internet Settings (Not Internet Explorer) Note 2: As it’s easy to import the contents of a .reg file into the registry, do take extra care with procedures.
When you want to apply settings to Windows computers that aren't joined to a includes a sample registry (.reg) file that you can customize to define settings. There are two ways to change the settings of Windows 10 File Explorer to open This PC instead of Open Registry Editor and go to the following Registry key: 10 Jul 2013 This post explains how to disable the Internet Explorer file download Not only does this give you a really easy way to deploy HKCU keys but it also then I think the easiest way to find the correct registry value you need to 22 Oct 2018 When you sign in to Windows, it loads the settings from these files into memory. You can also edit the registry by downloading and running .reg files, which contain this registry hack will remove its folder from File Explorer. The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores low-level settings for the Microsoft Like other files and services in Windows, all registry keys may be restricted by access control lists i.e. the suffix has the string "_CLASSES" is appended to the (SID). Create a book · Download as PDF · Printable version
Insight WPAD proxy settings on IE When IE starts the next time, it tries to retrieve the wpad.dat URL from registry (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\DefaultConnectionSettings), IE won’t try to download wpad.dat file again if it is already cached in I am set up as an administrator (citrix domain admin) with no foreseeable restrections and have been able to download files from the internet fine in the past. There must be a group policy setting activated to change this setting, yet when I've gone through them I have not found anything that would restrict administrators from doing this. Changing the CurrentLevel is not sufficient. The Security Level need to be changed in IE and an export of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\2 need to be created of every Level, e.g. low, high and medium.. To change the level, close IE, import a certain Security Level file, e.g., medium, start IE and the Security Level of a zone will be changed. A Popup blocker warning may appear if the peoplesoft site is not added to popup blocker exception list when user is trying to download the Excel file. When user click on Download to Excel link, a new browser window or tab opens and closes quickly without asking the user to save the file. User May get a message “Your current security settings Recommended Internet Explorer Settings. 1 "Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting" should only be enabled if "Run ActiveX Controls and plug-ins" is set to Administrator Approved. 2 "Download ActiveX controls" in the Trusted Sites zone can be briefly changed to "Prompt" to download an ActiveX control from a trusted source. It should immediately be disabled again. 3 = Internet. Each of the DWORD values corresponds to an Internet Explorer permission and the permissions of interest to DealAxis are shown below. Setting a DWORD value to 0 changes its status to Enabled, 1 means Prompt and 3 means Disabled. The below screenshot shows zone 2 (Trusted Sites) under the user level registry settings. I want to change the default internet security settings for restricted sites from high to medium level on windows server 2003 . I have also uninstall Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
I have been looking through registries for hours and can't seem to find the one that controls the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet File settings. I want to change from Automatic to something else. How to modify Internet Explorer temporary internet settings with registry? Ask Question Asked 8 years, Convex subsets of an open set Setting proxy with .pac file in IE10 IE11 using registry and group policy gpo Set Proxy settings using GPO We have many computers with Windows8 now but 2008R2 server which doesn't like anything newer than Internet Explorer 9. Even if you have turned off IE Enhanced Security Configuration, you may still need to enable downloads for the Internet Security Zone. Click the cog in the top right corner of the browser and select Internet Options. Select the Security tab, and click the Internet zone. Click Custom level, and then scroll down to Downloads and select Enable. A Popup blocker warning may appear if the peoplesoft site is not added to popup blocker exception list when user is trying to download the Excel file. When user click on Download to Excel link, a new browser window or tab opens and closes quickly without asking the user to save the file. User May get a message “Your current security settings Another reason for needing to restore the registry is if you've downloaded a registry hack that you now need to import into Windows Registry on your computer for it to take effect. This might not seem the same as restoring a backup you made yourself, but the process is identical since they both involve importing the registry file. Insight WPAD proxy settings on IE When IE starts the next time, it tries to retrieve the wpad.dat URL from registry (HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\DefaultConnectionSettings), IE won’t try to download wpad.dat file again if it is already cached in
I have been looking through registries for hours and can't seem to find the one that controls the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet File settings. I want to change from Automatic to something else. How to modify Internet Explorer temporary internet settings with registry? Ask Question Asked 8 years, Convex subsets of an open set
Both Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge are configured to download files to the user's download folder by default. The location does not change across devices, so that Windows users know where to look when it comes to locating downloaded files on Windows machines. Open Internet Explorer. Click Tools > Internet options. Click on the security tab. Select the Internet Zone. Click on the Custom Level Button and then scroll down to Download. Check enable File download and font download. Click Apply and OK. Restart Internet Explorer. The files should now be downloaded. Enjoy 🙂 Open File Explorer to the Downloads folder by default. Here is how to set File Explorer to open “Downloads” folder every time you press WinKey + E or click the File Explorer Taskbar shortcut. The Folder Options setting “Open File Explorer to:” is saved in the following registry key: Could someone teach me please how to change proxy settings with a .bat file, or a suggestion? Batch / BAT - Change proxy settings with a batch / BAT file. Ask Question The proxy server settings for Internet Explorer are stored in the registry under Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings. Solutions Use Fix this problem (.msi file) Download Microsoft Fix it 50098 to increase the number of files that you can download at one time to 10 Manually via Registry Editor Set the value data for the registry entries created to an integer that equal to the number of simultaneous connection requests to a single HTTP server allowed.