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Kimberly Hébert Gregory (née Hébert; born December 7, 1973) is an American actress.She began her career in theatre before her breakthrough role as Dr. Belinda Brown in the HBO comedy series Vice Principals in 2016.

Teddy Riley was raised in St. Nicholas Houses in Harlem. A child prodigy from the age of five, he began playing instruments in church. His uncle, who owned the famed Harlem club The Rooftop, built a studio in the club in which Riley would spend most of his time while growing up.

The film Sucker Punch features a sexually abusive stepfather. In his opera La Cenerentola, Gioacchino Rossini inverted the tale of Cinderella to have her oppressed by her stepfather. His motive is made explicit, in that providing a dowry to Cenerentola would cut into what he can give to his own daughters.

Lisa Marie Presley (born February 1, 1968) is an American singer-songwriter. She is the only child of singer and actor Elvis Presley and actress Priscilla Presley, as well as the sole heir to her father's estate.Presley has developed a career in the music business and has issued three albums. She has been married and divorced four times, including to singer Michael Jackson and actor Nicolas San Rafael Accountant, Ex-Boy Scouts Volunteer Gets Prison For Child Porn PossessionA Marin County accountant and former Boy Scouts volunteer leader was sentenced in federal court for possession Andy Taylor lives in the fictional, sleepy community of Mayberry, North Carolina. Andy is a widower and father to one young son, Opie. In the backdoor pilot episode from The Danny Thomas Show, viewers learn Andy lost his wife when Opie was "the least little speck of a baby." In the first episode of the show Andy has a maid that is getting Ashlee Nicolle Ross (née Simpson; born October 3, 1984) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. The younger sister of singer and actress Jessica Simpson, she began her career as a back-up dancer for her sister and appeared in television commercials at the age of 15.She later pursued a career as an actress and had a recurring role on the family drama 7th Heaven. San Rafael Accountant, Ex-Boy Scouts Volunteer Gets Prison For Child Porn PossessionA Marin County accountant and former Boy Scouts volunteer leader was sentenced in federal court for possession Hayley Catherine Rose Vivien Mills (born 18 April 1946) is an English actress. The daughter of Sir John Mills and Mary Hayley Bell, and younger sister of actress Juliet Mills, Mills began her acting career as a child and was hailed as a promising newcomer, winning the BAFTA Award for Most Promising Newcomer for her performance in the British crime drama film Tiger Bay (1959), the Academy

Angela Montenegro is the daughter of a fictional representation of Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top (played by the musician himself). Angela was born in Baltimore, Maryland on April 16, she is half-Chinese, and she once mentioned having taken French in school, in "The Body in the Bag", in season 6. Daddy's Home 2 was released on Digital HD on February 6, 2018, and was released on Blu-ray and DVD on February 20, 2018. Reception Box office. Daddy's Home 2 grossed $103.8 million in the United States and Canada, and $76.6 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $180.4 million, against a production budget of $69 million. Abigail Haight Huntsman (born May 1, 1986) is an American journalist and television personality who is currently a co-host of ABC's The View.Previously she was a general assignment reporter for Fox News Channel and co-host of Fox & Friends.Prior to working at Fox, she was a host on MSNBC and NBC News.She is a daughter of former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., who also served as U.S. Ambassador Mary Frances "Debbie" Reynolds (April 1, 1932 – December 28, 2016) was an American actress, singer and businesswoman. Her career spanned almost 70 years. She was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Most Promising Newcomer for her portrayal of Helen Kane in the 1950 film Three Little Words, and her breakout role was her first leading role, as Kathy Selden in Singin' in the Rain (1952). Lisa Marie Presley (born February 1, 1968) is an American singer-songwriter. She is the only child of singer and actor Elvis Presley and actress Priscilla Presley, as well as the sole heir to her father's estate.Presley has developed a career in the music business and has issued three albums. She has been married and divorced four times, including to singer Michael Jackson and actor Nicolas San Rafael Accountant, Ex-Boy Scouts Volunteer Gets Prison For Child Porn PossessionA Marin County accountant and former Boy Scouts volunteer leader was sentenced in federal court for possession Andy Taylor lives in the fictional, sleepy community of Mayberry, North Carolina. Andy is a widower and father to one young son, Opie. In the backdoor pilot episode from The Danny Thomas Show, viewers learn Andy lost his wife when Opie was "the least little speck of a baby." In the first episode of the show Andy has a maid that is getting

Ashlee Nicolle Ross (née Simpson; born October 3, 1984) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. The younger sister of singer and actress Jessica Simpson, she began her career as a back-up dancer for her sister and appeared in television commercials at the age of 15.She later pursued a career as an actress and had a recurring role on the family drama 7th Heaven. San Rafael Accountant, Ex-Boy Scouts Volunteer Gets Prison For Child Porn PossessionA Marin County accountant and former Boy Scouts volunteer leader was sentenced in federal court for possession Hayley Catherine Rose Vivien Mills (born 18 April 1946) is an English actress. The daughter of Sir John Mills and Mary Hayley Bell, and younger sister of actress Juliet Mills, Mills began her acting career as a child and was hailed as a promising newcomer, winning the BAFTA Award for Most Promising Newcomer for her performance in the British crime drama film Tiger Bay (1959), the Academy The Cokeville Miracle is a 2015 drama film written & directed by T. C. Christensen and starring Jasen Wade, Sarah Kent and Kimball Stinger. The film was based on the Cokeville Elementary School hostage crisis in 1986 and the book The Cokeville Miracle: When Angels Intervene by Hartt Wixom and Judene Wixom. The faith-based film was released in select theaters across the United States in the Eminem's parents were in a band called Daddy Warbucks, with a music video featuring former porn star Sasha Grey; the and he began an on-and-off relationship with Kim in 1989. Their daughter Hailie was born on December 25, 1995. The two were married in 1999 and divorced in 2001.

Hayley Catherine Rose Vivien Mills (born 18 April 1946) is an English actress. The daughter of Sir John Mills and Mary Hayley Bell, and younger sister of actress Juliet Mills, Mills began her acting career as a child and was hailed as a promising newcomer, winning the BAFTA Award for Most Promising Newcomer for her performance in the British crime drama film Tiger Bay (1959), the Academy

Robert Edward Crane (July 13, 1928 – June 29, 1978) was an American actor, drummer, radio host, and disc jockey known for starring in the CBS situation comedy Hogan's Heroes.. A drummer from age 11, Crane began his career as a radio personality, first in New York City and then Connecticut before moving to Los Angeles, where he hosted the number-one rated morning show. Judy Reyes (born November 5, 1967) is an American television actress, best known for her roles as Carla Espinosa on the NBC/ABC sitcom Scrubs (2001–2009), and as Zoila Diaz in the Lifetime comedy-drama Devious Maids (2013–2016). As of 2017, she stars as Annalise "Quiet Ann" Zayas in the TNT crime comedy-drama, Claws Gilles Marini / ʒ iː l m ə ˈ r iː n i / (born January 26, 1976) is a French-American actor, known for his roles in the film Sex and the City and in the American television shows Brothers & Sisters, Switched at Birth and Devious Maids.He was also the runner-up in season 8 of Dancing with the Stars, and was one of the returning celebrities in season 15.He was also a French co-host on the Robert Edward Crane (July 13, 1928 – June 29, 1978) was an American actor, drummer, radio host, and disc jockey known for starring in the CBS situation comedy Hogan's Heroes.. A drummer from age 11, Crane began his career as a radio personality, first in New York City and then Connecticut before moving to Los Angeles, where he hosted the number-one rated morning show. Rose Marie "Rosemary" Kennedy (September 13, 1918 – January 7, 2005) was the oldest daughter born to Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.She was a sister of President of the United States John F. Kennedy and Senators Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy.. Kennedy was intellectually disabled and was educated separately from other students; however, she was able to travel and to TROTWOOD — UPDATE @ 3:24 p.m. (Oct. 16): A Trotwood woman accused of beating two children with household items pleaded not guilty to charges Tuesday in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Danny Thomas (born Amos Muzyad Yaqoob Kairouz; January 6, 1912 – February 6, 1991) was an American nightclub comedian, singer, actor, producer, and philanthropist whose career spanned five decades. He created and starred in one of the most successful and long-running situation comedies in the history of American network television, the eponymous Danny Thomas Show.

A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. It may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedia's content policies, particularly neutral point of view.Please discuss further on the talk page. (August 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

Angela Montenegro is the daughter of a fictional representation of Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top (played by the musician himself). Angela was born in Baltimore, Maryland on April 16, she is half-Chinese, and she once mentioned having taken French in school, in "The Body in the Bag", in season 6.

Mary Frances "Debbie" Reynolds (April 1, 1932 – December 28, 2016) was an American actress, singer and businesswoman. Her career spanned almost 70 years. She was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Most Promising Newcomer for her portrayal of Helen Kane in the 1950 film Three Little Words, and her breakout role was her first leading role, as Kathy Selden in Singin' in the Rain (1952).

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